Book review: Blender 3D 2.49 Incredible Machines

Book coverAs you might already know I’m using Blender 3D for creating the artwork of my games. It’s a free 3D modeling tool with a lot of features and possibilities. A few weeks ago I received a request from Packt Publishing to review a new book that teaches you how to work with Blender 3D. It’s called ‘Blender 3D 2.49 Incredible Machines‘, written by author Allan Brito. Since I’m going to model some machines myself, I thought it might be interesting to see what this book has to offer. (more…)

Linux users show their love for indie game

When I released my indie game Mystic Mine, I had no idea if the Linux version was going to sell. But 7 months later, I must say the results are quite surprising.

Recently I got interviewed by Linux Gaming News about my indie game Mystic Mine, and one of the questions was how many Linux copies I sold. I looked into it and saw that I sell the most copies for Mac OS X, then for Linux, and the least for Windows. I didn’t make much of it, because as an indie game developer it’s easier to get noticed on Mac OS X or Linux than on Windows. And selling games is all about exposure. But after people started to ask questions on this, I looked further into it, and what I discovered really surprised me. (more…)

Get motivated: Ralph Bakshi

As a kid I saw the animation movie Fire & Ice, and absolutely loved it. Back then I didn’t know the creator was successfully competing with a big corporation like Disney. You should definitely check out this video with the creator of that animation movie, Ralph Bakshi, on how to Read more…