I’m currently doing some improvements on Mystic Mine. The first few levels are going to be more challenging, and it will run better on slower machines. A few tweaks here and there, but the most important thing will be that the multiplayer game will feature a ‘Totals‘ score board!

I received feedback from players who sometimes organize little ‘Mystic Mine Tournaments’ among their friends. But in the current multiplayer game you only see the scores of the last game. A totals score board would be a great help to keep track of who won the most games etc. This way you can see at the end who the ultimate Mystic Miner is ;). I’ll keep you updated on the progress of this new version, and will definitely let you know when it becomes available.

If you have more suggestions for small improvements, now is the time to let me know. Because I could still include it into this update. Just comment below or mail me at koen@koonsolo.com.

Categories: Mystic Mine


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