You probably have tons of game ideas inside your head, so how do you decide which game to implement? Well, use the following flowchart. It’s straight forward, saves time, and makes sure you thought of everything.


The most important thing is that you’re able to complete the game, this alone will be hard enough. Second most important thing is that people are willing to pay for your game, which is even harder.

Koen Witters

So… did your game concept pass the test? Let me know by commenting below!

Categories: Marketing


Alejandro · July 16, 2009 at 22:08

Thank you very much for the information… I have found this blog very useful, I´m starting a new independent game (first time doing it for my own), and definitely I will be following the news on this blog…(I have just bookmarked it)
Thanks again.
Sorry about my english

Kable · July 17, 2009 at 12:56

“List 3 games that are direct competitors” A niche or new concept shouldn’t had any competitor, so it will stand out of the crowd of one. Is this logic valid?

xDan · July 18, 2009 at 03:53

Eh. So true! I’ve made several attempts and failed at “Do you like playing such a game?” Trying to make casual puzzle style games that I never would play myself. Now recently I’ve thrown up my hands in despair and am planning an ultra-violent zombie shooter 😀

Koen Witters · July 18, 2009 at 23:40

Kable :

“List 3 games that are direct competitors” A niche or new concept shouldn’t had any competitor, so it will stand out of the crowd of one. Is this logic valid?

You will *always* have competition for your game, even when it’s a new concept. Let me give you an example: When creating a downloadable game for desktop computers, you will always have competition from flash games: the player can just go online and entertain himself with some free flash games. So you better make sure that (s)he has a strong reason why (s)he would do the extra effort of downloading/installing your game, and paying for it. So remember, there is *always* competition!

Koen Witters · July 18, 2009 at 23:49

xDan :

I’ve thrown up my hands in despair and am planning an ultra-violent zombie shooter :D

Then you better make sure you can pass that last test, because there are a lot of zombie shooters out there, starting with AAA game “Left 4 Dead”, and ending with all those free online flash zombie shooters…

xDan · July 27, 2009 at 14:25

@Koen Witters
I do have some unique gameplay planned 😉

Neil · December 1, 2009 at 20:21

Uhmmm…my game concept is big..but i can manage to do all other things except for software implementation of the game itself…Can someone post a link where such companies need a game concept alone? It’s more like an MMORPG..thanks ^_^

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